
a volunteer

Tips for Donating Clothes to Charity

We all have clothes in our closets that we no longer like, need, or fit in. If you own such clothes, you can give them away to others. Your old outfits might become someone else’s favorite. You can donate clothing to many charities or organizations. However, you need to make

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charity icon

5 Tips to Select a Suitable Charity Organization for Donations

Donations to charity organizations are a worthy ordeal. Yet, you should beware of charities that waste money on uncalled-for causes. Whichever organization you choose should support a cause you believe in. So, before you donate your money, take an extra step to find an organization that puts your donation to

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FAQS About Education in Developing Nations:

What do you need to know about education and the developing world? Education is one of the most valuable resources for children in developing areas where over 75% of the population lives on less than $2.00 a day and more than 69 million children do not have schools to attend. According to

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